FRANCHESCA’s TIPS: How to properly put on your Joli Cameleon Joli Dancer™

by Admin, 6th September 2016

Joli Cameleon takes pride in supplying the world with beautiful hair that allows one’s true self and confidence to shine at all times. If you own a gorgeous Joli Cameleon wig, then I am sure you want to treat your wig with proper care to keep the new wig look and feel.
Not only is correct washing and brushing your wig necessary, but the way you put your wig on your head also plays a big role, especially with the Joli Dancer. It clings to the head so well that putting it on correctly takes a little practice. Here are step-by-step instructions how to do it and a simple 30 seconds video:
1. DO NOT grab your wig by the lace front.
2. Locate the back of your wig.
3. Grab your wig from the sides.
4. Keep ahold of the sides and lift your wig over your head.
5. Place your wig on front to back.
6. If your wig needs adjusting, grab from the sides and adjust accordingly.
Following these simple steps is crucial to keeping your wig from being damaged.

Franchesca's Tips: How to properly put on your Joli Cameleon Joli Dancer™ from Joli Caméléon on Vimeo.

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