by Admin, 27th February 2017

A huge thank you to one of our newest extended Joli Caméléon family members for choosing to #AdaptBeautifully with us!

I absolutely love my Joli Dancer!  I’ve been so happy that I honestly don’t know why I waited so long to try a wig with a gripper.  It has been a life changer.  I have been wearing my hair in an up-do and got over my fear of having my hair fall off in yoga class while doing an inversion (poses like handstands, headstands, bridges, etc.).  Not only have I been upside down in class without an issue, I actually started yoga teacher training as well. It has been awesome.  I also had a great experience with Fantasia.  Twila was wonderful to work with, and I will definitely be back to order another Joli Dancer when the time comes. Really, I can’t thank you enough!

Angela K.; MN, USA

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